I went back to church this morning. It was the gathering of not more than 50 people so as Pre Event Testing was skipped. The rest of the church joined the onsite church online. Our hearts were synchronized by the songs we sang, the words we declared, the message we heard and the mission we carried out.
God called us as a community for a purpose and we can be one onsite and online. However, given this new norm, the local church needs to find the equilibrium in being the church for this season.
Putting aside online congregation for this reflection, I was with the onsite worshippers today. My family was at home forming the other part of church.
As I sit in the presence of God and His people, I was assigned a seat, there was no singing allowed. I responded with hands lifted up, occasionally humming the tune, praying silently in the heart, reciting the Lord's Prayer, listening to what God has to say...
As we are an intergenerational congregation, there were children talking and crying during the service, movement of parents bringing the crying toddlers out of the hall and coming in once they were more settled. And I like this because there is life and authenticity in the worship. I salute both the families with young children and the congregation regarding these aspects:
The families that value coming together as an onsite community and the congregation that is patient and loving to welcome them.
Yes. Coming onsite has its challenges. The restriction of not more than 50 or the implications of more than 50 are just some challenges highlighted. How about restrictions like dismissing the congregation straight after service ends? Or the F&B not opened to more than 2 people per table? Or the restriction affecting large families and so on?
Why do I go onsite to be part of the physical church today?
I thought this is a good afternoon to think about what is our idea of fellowship? (Is it just eating, drinking, catching up with one another after service ends?) What is our concept of community? What is our understanding of church? (This reflection piece will not be able to contain my thoughts)
Back to the service that I have attended. I love the reminders from the message, the songs sung, the atmosphere in the sanctuary, the volunteers serving the faith community, the young children playing and making noise, the fist bumps that I can make with some, the short conversation I made, the encouragement I have when seeing '3 dimensional' people onsite, the saying of 'bye, have a good weekend' to those leaving...
Maybe it was the intentional time spent being with one another in the faith community (even with the safe distancing) that made the Sunday morning so good.
Psalms 122:1 NRSV
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”
Have a good weekend