Saturday, August 7, 2021

When we pray ‘Righteousness exalts a nation’, what does it mean?


Proverbs 14:34 is one verse we often use to pray for the nation. However, it will be helpful to understand the context and the verse to pray meaningfully. And let it be with understanding that we pray…

The immediate context is Proverbs 14:28-35 from which the verse is taken. There is a literary device called the ‘inclusio’ found here. V28 opens with the king’s glory and V35 ends with the king’s favor. So this passage can be scoped in how the king should govern. And since within the verses, the wicked and righteous are mentioned, the scope can also include the kind of people we need in this kingdom. And it may also be good to note also that there are ‘contrasts’ used in each verse by the word ‘But’.

This passage begins with the king’s glory when there are multitude that he governs versus his ruin when there is absence of people (v28). And how he governs is mentioned too: Being slow to anger versus quick-tempered (v29), having a tranquil heart versus passion (v30), whether he oppresses the poor (which equates to taunting God) versus being gracious to the needy (v31).

The passage continues to state that wickedness and evil doings by evil people will be judged but the righteous will have a refuge (v32). And one needs to be wise with understanding rather than being fools (v33). And here comes the verse we often pray: “Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people” (v34). Contextualizing it, the verse is talking about the kind of people that will exalt or make great the nation. It is righteous people living and inhabiting the nation that exalt or make the nation great. Sin and wickedness in people cause disgrace.

And the passage ends with the king’s treatment of the servant who is either wise or foolish (v35)

So when I pray this verse, I pray for our government leaders to govern in righteous and wise ways. I pray that they will not oppress the poor and will be gracious to the needy. I pray that they will have understanding. I pray that they will value the wise and be God’s judgement against the wicked and evil doers.

And I also pray for the governed, which is us, that we will be righteous and live righteously, adding to the nation who is called to be righteous.

So in praying this verse in its context, I am asking God for righteous governing and also a righteous people. With this understanding, let’s remember our nation in prayer.

Friday, August 6, 2021

When less is more (Part 1): Authentic relationships

This Heightened alert is ending in thirteen days. From 22 July to 18 August, it seems that this time round, it is worse and more challenging for some of us. It could probably because of the emotional and mental anticipation of what is next and when it is ending. This does not help as it seemed that we are repeating a cycle of tightening and loosening (there was a phase 2HA, then a phase 3, then back to a phase 2HA). But while we are waiting for news to be announced for the next phase, maybe it is good to pause to process again.

Image by Joseph V M from Pixabay
Again, we were in a situation whereby mass gathering is difficult. We can’t even have more than 5 visitors in the house. I can’t even have my parents and my brother’s family gathered. We can’ t have lunch fellowship as a congregation after church service. We can’t have onsite seminar whereby face to face is preferred. We can’t stay back to ‘jam’ or hang around longer after worship service ends. We cannot do a lot of things that we used to do, especially when it comes to the restriction of the number of people per group.

But there are things that we can do in this period within that constraint. Or perhaps, this is a ‘forced’ period that was given to us to help me build certain discipline or practice. The taking away of certain ‘activities’ of church or our routine which resulted in less now become more. This is when ‘less is actually more’. For example, when we have church lunches (big group), often we engage more in casual conversion starter of “Hi; bye; how are you?; what are you doing?” and quickly exiting the conversation to another person or group. How can we build authentic relationship with such situation? (Don’t get me wrong, big group gathering is important because it facilitates connection and big group dynamics. And I still long for that).

Even in our family gathering, I am not sure whether we hold good and deep conversation with one another or we are at our own corner doing our own things after dinner.

I recall a meme whereby when 5 are allowed in a group, there is always a 6th person left out. And when 2 are allowed in a group, there is always a 3rd person left out. Hopefully, I am not the 6th or 3rd person respectively. 😊    

So now, given this constraint or a God-given opportunity for us to build certain practice in our lives, when lesser people can gather at one place, and more time/focus can be given to build and encourage one another, deeper and authentic conversation can take place, life can be shared, this is ‘when less is more’.

Thirteen more days before another phase comes. Let’s not be weary or discourage during this period. Ride the wave, make use of the ‘constraint’, and build ourselves with good practices and build others as we can focus more and share life with them.   


Monday, August 2, 2021

Singapore has a destiny but what part have I to do living in this country?

The Nation is celebrating her 56th year. Truly amazing grace that we are where we are for a tiny dot on the map. I have heard prophecies given to Singapore that it will be the Antioch of Asia and that God has great plans for this nation. And as believers, we need to continue to pray for this nation that God has put us in (whether we are born in Singapore; became a Singaporean somewhere in history or just residing here temporarily). There is a reason why we are here for such a season like this. 

Remembering the prophecy to the exile, the peace and welfare of the city they were residing in was highlighted. The ‘non-locals’ were to seek peace and welfare of the city.

Jeremiah 29:7 (NASB95) 7 ‘Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.’

Recalling the speech by Paul in Acts 17 and highlighting verse 26, it is God who determined the boundaries of our habitation. It is Him who put us where we are now.

Acts 17:24–31 (NASB95) 24 “The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’ 29 “Being then the children of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought of man. 30 “Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, 31 because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead.”

I know that prophecies were given to Singapore as a nation. But living as one individual among the nearly 6 million in the country, what should or can I do as part of the plan?

I do not know God’s plan for you as an individual during this season in this country. But surely, you can seek the peace and welfare of the city by praying for Singapore in the now and Singapore of the future.

You can seek the peace and welfare of the city by being a good neighbor to others.

You can seek the peace and welfare of the city by being a part in landscaping her through your involvement in your community and nation (pending on your sphere of influence).

And since I am a husband, a father and a pastor, I can do my practical part to ensure my physical and spiritual family do our parts in seeking the peace and welfare of this nation God has put us in.  

We can all do our part...

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Making our homes worship-ready?

At the conclusion of today’s worship service, the challenge was given to make our homes worship-ready. With the pandemic restricting large group onsite worship, can we see it as the grace of God giving us an opportunity to examine ourselves and our families the heart of worship?

When we gather online for the worship service, what are our attitudes reflected in our preparation?

What are our heart postures when we look at the screen with the host, the worship leaders, the speakers at another part of town encouraging us to worship as a church?

Is our home environment conducive and worship-ready for us to still our hearts, focus on God, sing and pray to Him, listen to what He has to say through the Word, give an offering for the expansion of the Kingdom and so on?

Are there reverence and honor given to Him at the place we called home and the place that God has blessed us with and a place that we are so comfortable in? Can the same kind of ‘reverence’ and preparation be made when we come to onsite worship service be replicated in our home environment whereby we can sit casually with breakfast in front of us 5 min before online service starts?

We are given a new environment to examine ourselves as individual and as a family. A lot to think about and maybe a few adjustments to be made (or rules to set before next weekend service comes).

Let’s examine ourselves regarding our heart of worship? For this is the time that we worship the Father in spirit and truth for such people the Father seeks to be His worshippers.

John 4:23-24 NASB 23 But a time is coming, and even now has arrived, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

Last but not least, maybe a further test to ascertain whether our homes are worship-ready will be to start inviting people (2 of them since it is the advisories) to come and worship together with us in that home environment.

Who will be invited to my house soon? 😊


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Training towards godliness.

I was looking at some articles of regarding building certain muscles group. It talks about the effectiveness of certain exercises for certain muscles group. Doing the plank, machine crunch, hanging knee raise, flutter kick, diamond push up…certain exercise done at certain interval will be effective to build certain muscles group. The sciences and arts of building a great physique are many out there. The vision of the well tone body with 8 packs looks really good and it is motivating to work towards that. It looks achievable with the bombarding of the ‘vision’ and the articles to instruct you how to go about achieving it. BUT…unless we go, exercise and train with perseverance towards that vision…it is all look and read 😊. It is all head knowledge without working out the muscles…

How about your spiritual formation? And our practice of Scripture? Our listening in during worship service? Will it be head knowledge without the training of self or spiritual muscles towards Christlikeness?   

1 Timothy 4:7–8 (RSV) 7 Have nothing to do with godless and silly myths. Train yourself in godliness; 8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

We need to exercise and train by putting into practice the Word spoken to us. We need to turn those ‘information’ on how to have a great spiritual ‘physique’ into reality. We need to practice certain disciplines to strengthen certain part of our ‘muscles’ group. We need to keep doing a certain ‘spiritual’ command to strengthen that weakness in our life. Train yourself in godliness.

Nevertheless, while we train ourselves in godliness and towards Christlikeness, let us also have a strong and healthy body because the bodies are the vessels we need to serve God and others.


What are some ‘strengthening’ you need? Look into Scripture and allow God to speak to you.

What are some ‘information’ you already have or know? Do it and do not procrastinate.

Image from:


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Reflection from Ps 81

What a sobering psalm to remind us to walk close to God, listening and obeying His Words.

God would have feed the Israelites with the finest of wheat and honey from the rock (v16) if it was not for their stubbornness to follow their own counsels rather than of God's.

Psalms 81:16 NRSV
I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”

What about us?
Knowing and sensing what God has already told us, let's allow the lesson the Israelites had experienced be a warning, admonition and even a motivation for us to listen and walk in His ways.

Image fr:

Sunday, June 27, 2021

A Reflection for the Sunday Afternoon: Church in the New norm

I went back to church this morning. It was the gathering of not more than 50 people so as Pre Event Testing was skipped. The rest of the church joined the onsite church online. Our hearts were synchronized by the songs we sang, the words we declared, the message we heard and the mission we carried out. 

God called us as a community for a purpose and we can be one onsite and online. However, given this new norm, the local church needs to find the equilibrium in being the church for this season. 

Putting aside online congregation for this reflection, I was with the onsite worshippers today. My family was at home forming the other part of church. 

As I sit in the presence of God and His people, I was assigned a seat, there was no singing allowed. I responded with hands lifted up, occasionally humming the tune, praying silently in the heart, reciting the Lord's Prayer, listening to what God has to say...

As we are an intergenerational congregation, there were children talking and crying during the service, movement of parents bringing the crying toddlers out of the hall and coming in once they were more settled. And I like this because there is life and authenticity in the worship. I salute both the families with young children and the congregation regarding these aspects:

The families that value coming together as an onsite community and the congregation that is patient and loving to welcome them. 

Yes. Coming onsite has its challenges. The restriction of not more than 50 or the implications of  more than 50 are just some challenges highlighted. How about restrictions like dismissing the congregation straight after service ends? Or the F&B not opened to more than 2 people per table? Or the restriction affecting large families and so on? 

Why do I go onsite to be part of the physical church today? 

I thought this is a good afternoon to think about what is our idea of fellowship? (Is it just eating, drinking, catching up with one another after service ends?) What is our concept of community? What is our understanding of church? (This reflection piece will not be able to contain my thoughts) 

Back to the service that I have attended. I love the reminders from the message, the songs sung, the atmosphere in the sanctuary, the volunteers serving the faith community, the young children playing and making noise, the fist bumps that I can make with some, the short conversation I made, the encouragement I have when seeing '3 dimensional' people onsite, the saying of 'bye, have a good weekend' to those leaving...

Maybe it was the intentional time spent being with one another in the faith community (even with the safe distancing) that made the Sunday morning so good. 

Psalms 122:1 NRSV

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”

Have a good weekend

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Be Vigilant until the coming of Jesus, the Son of Man

I was sharing from a passage in Luke 21:25-38.

GEFC is on the series expounding from the Book of Luke. This is my 2nd sermon. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

45th Birthday Reflection: Teach me to number my days that I may gain the heart of wisdom

Maybe I love the sea because one of the images that I used to describe my journey is the windsurfer. Indeed riding the waves by catching the wind is parallel to the journey thus far: Catching the wind of God to move me up in various seasons of my life.

Maybe I love the sea because another image that I would use for reflection of my 45th Birthday is the rower. The rower looks back to go forward. In rowing, the rower sits in the boat facing the stern (back). He rows with his back facing the front of the boat. The rower moves towards his destination with his back towards his destination and his front view behind. 

From the image of the rower, what can I learnt and what are my prayers?

1) Complete the race WELL.

I want to reach the destination. I want to complete the race WELL. Maybe I have mellowed in my competitive nature 😊. I can afford to lose other games or sports but not this one. I want to complete it WELL. I do not want to lose sight of my destination: Christ. I do not want to lose my bearing of becoming more like Christ. I want to be able to navigate well. Because one can lose sight of the destination and the bearing.

Therefore, my prayer is that I would be taught to number my days so that I may gain a heart of wisdom. That I would use each day well in my navigation towards Christlikeness. Much grace is needed.

2) Motivate others along that route    

The rower looks at the back of the boat as he rows forward to his destination. I picture myself in this scene whereby there are also rowers behind the route that I am taking. We are in the same journey All of us need motivation. And it is so encouraging to know that someone ahead of you have reached the next checkpoint or target. This gives confidence that it is possible or attainable, even if along the route we have setbacks and we made mistakes along the way. Remember that according to the rower’s imagery, those setbacks and mistakes have passed. We look back at setbacks and we row forward. We learn from our mistakes and we row forward. I want to be one who will be able to produce such motivation and encouragement to those behind, especially in my 2nd half 😊.

It will be so joyful and even glorious to have all complete the race together.

Therefore, my prayer is that I would create positive memories, milestones and means for those coming alongside and behind me, especially for my wife and 2 daughters. May I not stumble them in their journey of faith. Instead, may I model a positive example of what it is to be on this Christlike journey in all seasons. May this ‘work in progress’ (me) be an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Much grace is needed.


Do I really love the sea? Yes. I love its color and the activities one can engage with. Maybe later I will drop by to say hi. But for today, my prayer is really ‘Lord, teach me to number my days and make each day useful in my journey’ 


Friday, March 5, 2021

Reflection on our 17th Wedding Anniversary (One more day…)


One more day and it will be my wedding Anniversary. Married on the 6th March 2004, tomorrow is my 17th Anniversary. I did a calculation recently to have a feel of the number of days together as a married couple. It was about 6208 days. 6208 days and counting will be my journey with the one whom I made a vow before God: “…for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy law…”

I am thankful for this journey with Michelle. I am thankful that given the number of days together, we had grown closer intimately, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. If each day reflects a step towards a destination, I want to number my days in wisdom and perseverance to that. At the end of our journey, I want to say that we have become more like Christ and we have left an example for the children to follow: an example of loving God by loving each other.

Loving each other authentically will be a great visual for the children to see. Having a great marriage gives the next generation confidence to have a great marriage themselves. The best gift to the children is a great marriage whereby they can see how love is being demonstrated and how love can transform individual.   

I am thankful for the environment that I have in this journey with Michelle. It is an environment that I am safe to be who I am and be transformed to who I can really be. The environment whereby safety, protection, patience, kindness, care, forgiveness is available. It is in such safe environment that I can openly ‘shout’ my views and make decisions (some are bad decisions) and yet have a loving wife embracing me. It is in such a fun environment that I can crack a joke and talk ‘nonsense’ and have that ‘look’ given to me 😊. It is in such nurturing and patient environment that mistakes made were corrected and mindset and heart were corrected and challenged. I am thankful for this environment whereby positive formation can take place. And this will not be possible if the Lord has not provided a good wife. Truly as written: 10 A good wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. 11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. Prov 31:10–12 (RSV)

I am thankful and I am counting more good days ahead…I am blessed.

Friday, January 29, 2021

With friends like these, it sets me to ponder. (Job 11:13-20)

Zophar, one of Job’s friends, spoke into his life and recommended Job to repent (v13-14). Like the previous 2 friends who commented, they pinpointed Job’s situation to his wickedness and sin. They recommended him to repent and be restored. And in Zophar’s worldview (v15-19), Job will forget his misery, his life will be brighter, he will have confidence because of hope, he will be protected, and people will entreat his favor again. His verdict of Job: “Don’t be wicked because there is no escape” (v20)

Don’t you think that sometimes we are like the 3 friends pronouncing our verdict on a situation without understanding what is really happening behind the scenes?

And sometimes, we are like Job who has friends of such that recommend us a solution without understanding what is really happening.

There are a few learnings here:

1)     While there are truths and wisdom from the words spoken by the friends, yet sometimes the way we speak ‘truths’ can be insensitive, rude, proud, arrogant or even murderous. We may think that we know it all and can give all advice in all situation (are we like God?) while on the other hands, we may be ignorant, unsympathetic, without empathy, without wisdom. May it is good not to jump into conclusion too soon. We can pray a bit more.  We can ask the ‘Job’ to relate his situation more. We can listen to him more.

a.     So it is good to first ‘hold what we want to say’
b.     Listen to what is being said
c.      Pray
d.     Examine our hearts/motives before we speak.
e.     Speak gently with love

2)     While we may not face the extreme situations like Job, yet it is by no means less frustrating or helpless when we have the likeness of Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar during our trial. The truth is this: we all have friends like these 😊. So what do we do? I would do this:

a.     They are still my friends that needs ‘enlightenment’. At the end, hopefully God will reveal to them. And hopefully, before the time on earth ends. So I may not want to break that friendships.
b.     If they react to my situation, I am reminded not to react too quickly. Respond wisely (that is for another article 😊)
c.      Find other friends that I can share with instead.

Have a good day. 
Jonathan Teo
29 Jan 2021

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Abraham’s contrasting responses to the 2 Kings (Gen 14:17-24)


A battle took place in the earlier episode whereby 4 kings waged war against 5 kings (v1-16).

The 4 kings waged war because of the 5 kings rebelled against the rule of Cherdorlaomer (one of the 4 kings and assuming the key leader in the area). The incident continued with the king of Sodom, one of the 5 kings (v10 defeated). The enemy then took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and also Lot (who lived in Sodom). 

Part of God’s divine arrangement of making Abraham great (Gen 12), this incident had Abraham implicated because his nephew Lot was captured. Abraham went to his rescue and this rescue operation made Abraham known (v17-24).

When Abraham returned after his successful operation, 2 kings came to meet him. They were the king of Sodom (one of the 5 kings who were defeated by the 4) and the king of Melchizedek.

It is interesting that v17-24 had a chiastic structure:

A  The King of Sodom came to Abraham (v17)

B  The King of Salem, Melchizedek, came to Abraham (v18)


B1 The King of Salem, Melchizedek blessed Abraham (v18-20a)

B2 Abraham’s response to the King of Melchizedek (v20b)

A1 The King of Sodom offered a deal (v21)

A2 Abraham’s response to the King of Sodom (v22-24)


Reflection and Thoughts:

1. Despite his great successful operation, Abraham remained humble to receive the One (Melchizedek) whom he recognized as superior than him.

- What about us? After good success or a successful run or project, are we able to stay humble and acknowledge there are always people greater than us? Do we acknowledge God as the One in charge?

2. Despite his great successful operation, and a chance to strike deal with anyone (because Abraham is much known now), he declined the king of Sodom and choose to rely on God. He chose not to have the king of Sodom made him ‘look rich or great’ (v23) but instead have God as the centre.

- Are we in ‘danger’ or being ‘tempted to’ capitalize on our success (which was given by God) to our benefit? Can we discern which ‘deal’ is God-honoring and which ‘deal’ is not? It takes wisdom and discernment to do that. And we can ask or enquire of the Lord regarding this.